ninja scarf. @nellierosetextiles thanks for making the best all-terrain ninja gear and my favorite article of clothing ever. hands down…you are my hero. #handmadeclothing #handdyedsilk #ninja #slowfashion #sustainablefashion #thomaswv #favoritearticleofclothing #herophine (at Fayetteville, West Virginia)
Thomas art walk tomorrow! Come see my “works in progress” along with 7 other Thomas-based artists at the White Room from 6-11pm. #threadstories #fiberexperiments #worksinprogress #thomaswv #playingwiththread #zerowaste #upcycledstudio (at The White Room Art Gallery)
I love it when @backstitched_design travels the world :) These three custom bags are accompanying a couple besties on their travels in Japan. Heart! #customleather #upcycledleather #sustainablefashion #travelstyle #leatherbags #handmadelove